How mentoring within the BYU Medical Society works
Currently we encourage those interested in mentoring students to join the BYU mentoring platform, called BYU Connect. Although this method can take up to ten minutes to complete your profile (similar to, you will immediately be available to a wide range of students through this method. You will also have significant control over the kinds and number of experiences you're interested in providing. To download directions on building a BYU Connect profile, click here.
The Society intends to develop an internal mentoring system to connect physicians and students. When you join, you can indicate that you would be willing to mentor students in the future.
For students preparing for medical school or in medical school, you may request a physician or more senior medical student mentor through Dr. Paul Kay,
We also encourage you to sign up for and use BYU Connect. BYU Connect is the campus-wide system designed to connect BYU alumni, church members, and students.